Alysia Martinez & Elle Banton

Foster Coordinators

Pensacola Humane Society

In response to kitten season bringing tons of newborn kittens, we created “Fund the Felines,” an online fundraising campaign just for these special little fuzzballs. We enabled Qgiv’s Text Fundraising package to add text-to-donate tools, pledges, and reminder messages to our account.

While planning our event, we mapped out every single thing we would need to care for 500 kittens and it came out to $34,000. At that time, we knew that it would be worth upgrading our Qgiv account to give us more options to make this a very successful campaign. We added the Text Fundraising package so we could send text-to-donate appeals, accept pledges, and automate the reminder messages to our donors. We set up ‘felines’ as our keyword and added it to all of our promotions to get the word out as we ramped up the campaign.

Fund the Felines is an ongoing campaign that is already at 25% of goal just four months into the campaign, raising almost $10,000.

Qgiv is always super responsive and helpful, answering our questions and walking us through different things. It’s been great for our campaigns and is very user friendly. We incorporate it with our social media, marketing, and fundraising initiatives.

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