Top 3 Strategies to Connect with Donors of Every Generation | Generational Giving Report

Fundraising Ideas

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The Generational Giving Report Volume 2 was launched to understand the ways members of each generation gets involved, support, and stay engaged with nonprofits. Over 1,000 individuals across four generations (Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers) were polled. When the data was reviewed, there were preferences and opportunities universal among all donors. Keep reading to learn about a few of the omni-generational takeaways uncovered in the Generational Giving Report!

a group of people to represent omni-generation takeaways from the generational giving report

1. All donors want monthly updates that don’t include fundraising asks!  

Individuals across all generations value regular, non-fundraising-related monthly communications that provide program updates and tell client stories. These updates are important in maintaining donor engagement and a close connection with an organization’s mission. Monthly newsletters prove to be an effective engagement strategy for all donors, regardless of what generation they belong to. Consistency is essential with monthly newsletters and updates. Supporters will be excited to receive updates on a regular cadence and look forward to hearing about what is happening at the nonprofits they support. 

To save time creating a monthly newsletter, involve staff members from different areas of your organization to contribute content. Contributions from staff members who are directly involved in programs, such as front-line workers, teachers, program managers, or community outreach coordinators, can enrich newsletter content. 

2. Creating quality social media and email content is time well spent for fundraisers. 

Across the board, donors of all generations prefer to receive organizational updates via email and social media. The most common reason donors stop their support is that they no longer feel connected to an organization or that their donation has an impact. Taking the time to create powerful updates to share on social media and through email is a great way to keep donors connected to your organization and aware of the impact that their donation is having.

Curating compelling material for your email and social media posts does not need to be difficult. Following this four step guide can help!

  1. Find your story. Interview scholarship recipients, parents of youth in your programs, people receiving your services, volunteers, frontline staff, etc. Collect material monthly to learn what your nonprofit’s needs are and what your impact is.
  2. Filter story contents. Save the needs of your organization for fundraising appeals in the future. Locate the quotes and stories that highlight your impact and pull next month’s e-newsletter and social content from those. Quotes, images, and even iPhone videos that provide an impactful update work well!
  3. Write. It’s time to use your “impact content!” Use your most inspiring content to create long-form content such as newsletters, blog posts, and annual reports. Make your life easier by then using ChatGPT or other AI tools to build out social media posts, emails, and more! 
  4. Disperse. Schedule your impact stories to hit the inbox and timelines of your supporters! You can even link to additional blog posts on your website so your readers can learn more.

Creating impactful narratives to share through email and social media is the best way for your constituents to hear the stories of your organization and foster a strong connection with donors of all generations!

3. Using the right tech tools makes catering to each generation easier!

Using the right technology is crucial in catering to donors of all generations.

Donor management

When using a donor management CRM, fundraisers can capture their donors’ unique preferences. Automated stewardship campaigns, tailored to highlight what donors value the most, can be created and managed with ease. A good donor database also provides the capability to send fundraising campaigns, upcoming volunteer opportunities, and stewardship communications, all aligned with their individual preferences.

As mentioned previously, donors, regardless of their generation, prefer monthly updates from the nonprofits they support. Armed with this knowledge, regular communication can be built into your donor management strategy.

Volunteer management

Fundraisers can elevate their volunteer experience with innovative volunteer management tools. With the right volunteer management software, scheduling volunteer shifts becomes a breeze. Supporter engagement will be well tracked and the necessary periodic communications will be sent out. Integrated with your donor management CRM, these tools offer the advantage of identifying engaged volunteers who can be cultivated into ‘super supporters’—your most loyal base who generously contribute both their time and money.

Digital fundraising tools

Digital Fundraising Tools are fundamental in constructing peer-to-peer campaigns, managing event registration, and providing your donors with various giving options, such as digital wallets. In addition, these platforms allow you to effectively highlight the impact of a donor’s contribution directly on your online donation form by using impact statements and images. You can also offer recurring donation options and giving plans that split gifts into more manageable amounts, a preference of Millennial donors. All these features can be synchronized with a CRM, ensuring that all donor information and preferences are easily accessible and well tracked.

Now is the time to embrace the power of fundraising technology that will improve donor engagement and stewardship among all generations!


We know that adapting to the ever evolving preferences of each generation can be challenging! To learn more about specific generations and discover what the other five omni-generational strategies are, download the Generational Giving Report Today!

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